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Garage Door Sensor

How to Troubleshoot and Fix Your Garage Door Sensor:

A Guide by The Overhead Door Company of Southeast Texas™

Experiencing issues with your garage door sensor can be frustrating, but before considering a full-scale overhaul of the garage door, take a step back and understand that problems with garage door sensors can be much simpler than they seem. We’re here to guide you through some simple steps to troubleshoot and fix your garage door sensor, ensuring it operates smoothly and keeps your home safe and secure.

Understanding Your Garage Door Sensor

Garage door sensors are integral to the function of your overhead door system. These tiny electronic eyes are located on either side of your garage door, roughly six inches above the ground. Their job is to send an invisible beam across the door’s path to ensure nothing obstructs it. If your garage door refuses to close or reverses midway, chances are your garage door sensor is signaling an issue.

Common Issues with Garage Door Sensors

Before you roll up your sleeves, let’s explore some common issues:


The most straightforward issue is something blocking the sensor’s path. It could be as simple as a leaf, debris, or spider webs.


Sensors must be perfectly aligned to communicate. They can prevent the door from operating correctly if they’re slightly off-kilter.

Wiring Issues:

Wires can become frayed or loose over time, interrupting the sensor’s signal.

Dirty Lenses:

Dust and dirt can cloud the sensors’ lenses, weakening the invisible safety beam.

Signal Interference:

Occasionally, electronic interference can disrupt the sensor’s signal.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing Your Garage Door Sensor

1. Safety First:

Disconnect the power to your garage door to prevent accidents.

2. Check for Obstructions:

Inspect the area around the sensors. Remove any objects that might block the sensor’s beam.

3. Clean the Lenses:

Wipe the lenses with a soft cloth. Avoid harsh chemicals that could damage the lenses.

4. Realign the Sensors:

Loosen the mounting brackets and adjust the sensors until they are perfectly aligned. The LED lights on the sensors typically indicate when they are correctly aligned.

5. Inspect the Wiring:

Check for any visible signs of wear or damage to the wires. If you’re comfortable with electrical work, ensure the connections are secure. If not, it’s time to call in the professionals.

6. Test the Door:

Reconnect the power and test the garage door. If the issue persists, it may be time to replace the sensors.

When to Call The Overhead Door Company of Southeast Texas™

While many sensor issues are simple fixes, some problems may require a professional touch. If you’ve gone through these steps and your garage door sensor still isn’t cooperating, it might be time to call in the cavalry — that’s us, The Overhead Door Company of Southeast Texas™.

We're Here to Help!

At The Overhead Door Company of Southeast Texas™, we understand the importance of a fully functional garage door sensor. We are one of the best Texas garage door company and our team of experienced technicians is ready to provide the assistance you need, whether it’s a minor adjustment or a complete sensor replacement. Don’t let garage door sensor issues disrupt your day — contact us for swift, professional service.

Remember, your garage door sensor is a critical safety feature that should always be noticed. Regular residential garage door maintenance and prompt attention to issues can go a long way in ensuring the longevity and reliability of your garage door.